Semi-Permanent Eyebrow (Microblading)

A procedure that involves scratching pigment into the skin in fine, short strokes resembling hair.

A semi-permanent technique used to enhance the appearance of the eyebrows.

How Does It Work?

A hand tool with a blade formed of tiny needles called a microblade is used to scratch and deposit pigment under the skin. 

How Long Does It Last?

Depending on your type of skin, microblading can last from 1 - 3 years.

It is recommended that a touch-up is applied after 4 to 6 weeks for maximum results.

​Are There Any Side Effects?

A patch test is required before treatment to ensure there is no allergic reaction to the ink used.

It is advisable to avoid profuse sweating and saunas for around 10 -14 days while the brows fully heal.

Information will be provided about aftercare and advice on how to contact the clinic for any queries afterwards.