Hair Restoration Treatment

Hair restoration treatments can help individuals who are experiencing hair loss or thinning. At Fabvisage aesthetics we offered the following procedures.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy:

How does it work?

PRP therapy involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and then injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. It is believed to stimulate hair growth.

How long does it last?

In many cases, the benefits of PRP can last for several months. However, some patients might require multiple treatments or periodic injections to maintain the desired results.

Are there any side effects?

Pain or Discomfort: Patients may experience some pain, discomfort, or irritation at the site of injection. This is typically mild and temporary.

Infection: Any injection procedure carries a small risk of infection at the injection site. Sterile techniques are important in minimizing this risk.

Allergic Reactions: While PRP is derived from a patient's own blood, there is still a slight chance of an allergic reaction. This is exceptionally rare.

Post procedure advice

Limit Sun Exposure: Avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area for several weeks post-treatment as the skin may be more sensitive and prone to damage during the healing process.

Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities or exercise for a few days, as excessive movement can disrupt the healing process.

Apply Ice Packs: Applying ice packs to the treated area can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Be sure to use a cloth or towel between the ice pack and your skin to prevent frostbite.

Keep the Area Clean: Maintain proper hygiene by keeping the treated area clean and dry to prevent infections. Avoid touching or scratching the area unnecessarily.

Follow a Healthy Diet: Consume a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support the body's healing process and promote the growth of new tissues.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Refrain from consuming alcohol and avoid smoking as these  can impair the body's ability to heal and may interfere with the effectiveness of the PRP treatment.

Follow-up Appointments: Attend scheduled follow-up appointments with your Practitioner to monitor your progress and discuss any concerns or complications.

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and ensuring a balanced diet can contribute to overall hair health and may help slow down hair loss.

Calecim hair treatment

How does it work?

Calecim is a brand that specialises in skincare products. Known for their patented technology that harnesses the power of stem cells derived from the umbilical cord lining extract. The treatment is aim:

  • Helps reduce shedding and hair loss
  • Stimulates hair growth by re-invigorating the hair follicle
  • 6 weeks validated efficacy with no known side effects

Please be aware that individual results do vary as well.

Are there any side effects to the products or procedure?

No side effect has been observe to date associated with the products.

However, there may be possible side effect post procedure:

Pain or Discomfort: Patients may experience some pain, discomfort, or irritation at the site of injection. This is typically mild and temporary.

Infection: Any injection procedure carries a small risk of infection at the injection site. Sterile techniques are important in minimizing this risk.

Post procedure advice

Limit Sun Exposure: Avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area for several weeks post-treatment as the skin may be more sensitive and prone to damage during the healing process.

Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities or exercise for a few days, as excessive movement can disrupt the healing process.

Apply Ice Packs: Applying ice packs to the treated area can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Be sure to use a cloth or towel between the ice pack and your skin to prevent frostbite.

Keep the Area Clean: Maintain proper hygiene by keeping the treated area clean and dry to prevent infections. Avoid touching or scratching the area unnecessarily.

Follow a Healthy Diet: Consume a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support the body's healing process and promote the growth of new tissues.

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Refrain from consuming alcohol and avoid smoking as these  can impair the body's ability to heal and may interfere with the effectiveness of the PRP treatment.

Follow-up Appointments: Attend scheduled follow-up appointments with your Practitioner to monitor your progress and discuss any concerns or complications.

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and ensuring a balanced diet can contribute to overall hair health and may help slow down hair loss.